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Visit by the Youth Choir of Brunswick Cathedral

Posted by on July 3, 2024 in News | Comments Off on Visit by the Youth Choir of Brunswick Cathedral

At the end of June we were delighted to host some 80 members of the Youth Choir of Brunswick Cathedral.  The choir was on a tour of southern England, culminating in a concert in Coventry Cathedral, but while they were in Bath we were able to offer them our traditional hospitality, including a civic reception with the Mayor of Bath, Cllr Michelle O’ Doherty, who led a lively question and answer session with the choir members.

On the Saturday evening the choir took part in a bilingual Evensong at Bath Abbey, together with the Abbey Girls and the Lay Clerks.  This was followed by a recital of works on the theme of “Light”, at the end of which the choir left the Abbey by the great west door and gave an impromptu performance to members of the public in Abbey Churchyard.  Those present agreed this was a wonderful occasion.

The photo shows the choir in Brunswick Cathedral, standing in front of the famous 12th century candelabra.

Visit From Brunswick

Posted by on May 6, 2024 in News | Comments Off on Visit From Brunswick

Observant members of the public may have wondered why the German flag was flying in Bath recently.  It marked the official visit of Dr Thorsten Kornblum, the Lord Mayor of Brunswick.  This was the first such visit for over ten years, and Dr Kornblum was hosted by the Mayor of Bath, Cllr Dine Romero, in celebration of over fifty years of official twinning links between our two cities, links which have seen many generations of Bath residents visit their Brunswick friends.

Dr Kornblum was accompanied by some of Brunswick’s councillors, the president of the Technical University, and by representatives of the Chamber of Crafts, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the aim of fostering academic and commercial links between our two cities.  The photos show our guests and members of the public at a Civic Reception in the Guildhall, and our guests visiting Bath Spa University.

Dr Kornblum and Professor Ittel, President of the Technische Universität, also had the opportunity to meet members of the public at an event hosted by Bath German Society at BRLSI.

We all look forward to our next visitors from Brunswick in June, when the Cathedral Youth Choir will perform in Bath Abbey.

Latest DEG Newsletter

Posted by on May 1, 2024 in News | Comments Off on Latest DEG Newsletter

Reception Attended by the Mayor of Bath

Posted by on February 1, 2024 in News | Comments Off on Reception Attended by the Mayor of Bath

In January, members and friends enjoyed a reception attended by the Mayor of Bath.  It was an opportunity to thank everyone for their involvement with twinning in the past year and to discuss plans for the coming year.  These currently include proposals for about seven different groups from Brunswick and (beyond) to visit Bath.  It’s going to be another busy year!

Normal activities continue with our regular monthly committee meeting on 8th February, followed by our online Book Club with members of the Brunswick DEG.  New participants are always welcome and can get in touch under “Contact us”.

DEG Newsletter For January

Posted by on January 10, 2024 in News | Comments Off on DEG Newsletter For January

BBTA At The Bath Christmas Market

Posted by on December 12, 2023 in News | Comments Off on BBTA At The Bath Christmas Market

November and December saw the Bath Christmas Market again, attracting nearly half a million visitors.  Our Twinning Association was represented, selling various products from Brunswick, as well as handing out information about our twin city.  It was very rewarding to talk to so many members of the public with a link to Germany, and even to Brunswick itself.  On the 6th December, St Nicholas Day, the Mayor of Bath welcomed members of Bath German Society and the Ukele band- Uke Can’t Be Serious – to sing German carols and entertain the public.  Our thanks to everyone who participated in the event.

Visit by Münsterchor of St Aegidien

Posted by on October 23, 2023 in News | Comments Off on Visit by Münsterchor of St Aegidien

We were very sorry to wave goodbye to the members of the Münsterchor of St Aegidien in Brunswick on Sunday, 22nd October.  They had spent a week in Bath, visiting some of our local tourist attractions, and giving a recital in the Abbey, as well as taking part in services in Salisbury and Wells Cathedrals and in St John’s the Evangelist in Bath.  Many members of the public were able to enjoy their fine singing, and the playing of their organist, who had to master four different instruments in a very short time.

At a reception on 16th October, they were officially welcomed to Bath by the Mayor, Cllr Dine Romero, who had had the pleasure of hearing the choir sing at the opening of the Bath Garten in Brunswick in August. 

Our thanks to all our friends and members who made this visit a notable success.

Brunswick Basketball Champion

Posted by on September 24, 2023 in News | Comments Off on Brunswick Basketball Champion

Congratulations to Dennis Schroeder, the star of the German basketball team which recently won the world championship.  Dennis comes from Brunswick and was a pupil at the IGS Franzsches Feld.  Although now living abroad, he came to Brunswick for his 30th birthday and signed the Golden Book of the city.

Official Opening of The Bath Garden in Brunswick

Posted by on September 15, 2023 in News | Comments Off on Official Opening of The Bath Garden in Brunswick

The Bath Garden in Brunswick was officially opened by the Lord Mayor of Brunswick, Dr Thorsten Kornblum on 21st August.  The Garden is situated in a beautiful central park, with features named for Brunswick’s other twin and friendship cities.  Members of BBTA were pleased to be part of a large group witnessing this celebration of our long-standing friendship, and to be entertained by the Münsterchor of St Aegidien, which will be visiting Bath in October.

BBTA Visit Cardiff-Stuttgart Association

Posted by on August 1, 2023 in News | Comments Off on BBTA Visit Cardiff-Stuttgart Association

At the end of July, a group of BBTA members made their way to Cardiff to meet friends from the Cardiff-Stuttgart Association, whom we had originally met online, and then in person in Bath last year.  It was also a good excuse to enjoy the delights of Wally’s Viennese Café and Delicatessen, a well known Cardiff attraction.   We can recommend the Apfelstrudel!