
Visit From Brunswick

By on May 6, 2024

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Observant members of the public may have wondered why the German flag was flying in Bath recently.  It marked the official visit of Dr Thorsten Kornblum, the Lord Mayor of Brunswick.  This was the first such visit for over ten years, and Dr Kornblum was hosted by the Mayor of Bath, Cllr Dine Romero, in celebration of over fifty years of official twinning links between our two cities, links which have seen many generations of Bath residents visit their Brunswick friends.

Dr Kornblum was accompanied by some of Brunswick’s councillors, the president of the Technical University, and by representatives of the Chamber of Crafts, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the aim of fostering academic and commercial links between our two cities.  The photos show our guests and members of the public at a Civic Reception in the Guildhall, and our guests visiting Bath Spa University.

Dr Kornblum and Professor Ittel, President of the Technische Universität, also had the opportunity to meet members of the public at an event hosted by Bath German Society at BRLSI.

We all look forward to our next visitors from Brunswick in June, when the Cathedral Youth Choir will perform in Bath Abbey.