
Book Groups

By on Jul 2, 2023

On our recent visit to Brunswick committee members were delighted to meet other participants of the DEG book group in person.  Our online activities resumed on 29th June with a discussion of “Lessons in Chemistry”  by Bonnie Garmus, but we hope to meet again in person in Brunswick on 24th August, when the chosen book will be “Two steps forward” by Graeme Simsion. DEG Book Group Meanwhile back in Bath, the German Society hosted a discussion of Brigitte Reimann’s “Die Geschwister” on 22nd June.  This is an annual German language event, and suggestions for 2024 would be...


By on Jun 24, 2023

At the AGM on 15th June, the current members of the committee were re-elected unopposed.  The committee is now planning activities for July and August – and beyond!


By on Jun 10, 2023

The next meeting of BBTA will be our AGM on Thursday, 15th June, at 14.30 in the Mayor’s Parlour.  Members and guests are welcome to join us.

Visit to Brunswick

By on Jun 10, 2023

Visitors to the website will know that a visit of bridge players to Brunswick has been planned for a long time.  We finally made it there at the beginning of June, and the photo shows bridge players from Bath and Brunswick, together with members of the DEG attending a reception in Schloss Richmond hosted by Frau Bürgermeisterin Antonelli.  The reception was later attended by a group of young students of German from a High School in Omaha, Nebraska.  This town is one of Brunswick’s nine twin and sister cities, and its representatives were signing an official agreement on mutual co-operation and support with the President of the DEG, Paul Kavanagh. Our visit was a great success, with a full programme of bridge, some sight-seeing and some travelling to towns near Brunswick.  We were also able to meet our friends from the online book club, and help with the preparations for Braunschweig International, a festival celebrating all the different national communities living and working in Brunswick.  Our thanks go to all involved in the preparations for our visit. © City of Braunschweig/Nielsen © City of Braunschweig/Nielsen © City of...

Birdwatching Walk At Prior Park Gardens

By on May 28, 2023

On a beautiful early summer’s day in mid-May a group of members of BBTA and BGS was guided around Prior Park Garden by our members Pat and Bob.  This walk had been postponed from March, but was well worth the wait.  The Garden was alive with birdsong and we identified many different varieties, including our favourite:  the “Zilpzalp” (chiffchaff)!  Some of us had to admit to difficulties distinguishing a “Blaumeise” from a “Kohlmeise” (blue tit and great tit) but Pat and Bob were always at hand to explain and help.  Not to mention distinguishing a “Saatkrähe” (rook) from a “Rabenkrähe” (crow) – a crow is slightly bigger, usually (but not always) seen alone and has a black beak, a rook is usually (but not always) in a flock and has a light beak.  We also glimpsed an “Eichelhäher” (jay) flying through the trees. We also investigated the flora, admired the views, and discussed the literary associations of the House and Garden.  Some of us can be seen on the famous Palladian Bridge, possibly counting the ducklings just below...