
Upcoming Events

By on Mar 2, 2022

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Following our recent committee meetings, some of us met a representative of the Bath Parks Department to consider the replanting of the Braunschweig Garden in the Parade Gardens.  This was the opportunity for a gentle stroll through this popular park in the centre of Bath, and we hope that many people will take advantage of this in the coming months.  As the pandemic restrictions are being eased it is possible that we may venture even further afield!

In the meantime, we have Jeremy Key-Pugh’s talk on Beethoven to look forward to on 17th March.  This has been organised by the Bath German Society and will take place at the BRLSI. 

Our Secretary and Treasurer have been contacting members about the change of bank account as subscriptions will be due on 1st April.  We hope to welcome potential new members as well.  The chair of BBTA has also successfully distributed the twinning calendars, designed by the pupils of King Edward’s School and the Ricarda-Huch-Schule, to members and friends. 

We will be meeting members of the DEG online on 3rd March to discuss “A Gentleman in Moscow”, which offers a unique perspective on life in Russia in the middle of the twentieth century.

Our next committee meeting will be held on 25th March.