
BBTA Committee News

By on Sep 22, 2021

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The committee met again on 17th September to discuss the progress on the arrangements for the civic visit of Lord Mayor Markurth and his colleagues.  We hope that we will be able to offer them a varied programme of events, including some sight-seeing and meetings with local councillors and B&NES officers.  Bath German Society will also host an open meeting at the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, when the Lord Mayor will talk about urban development in Brunswick. 

Unfortunately we have had to cancel our plans for a Twinning Stall at Bath Christmas Market this year, as the Market will be much reduced in size.

The next committee meeting will take place on 15th October.

Informal meetings with the Anglo-German Society of Brunswick continue on a regular basis;  these are usually in the form of a book club, but we also have the opportunity to discuss other matters such as the current political landscape in Germany.  We also maintain our contacts with the Cardiff-Stuttgart Association and the Bristol-Hannover Council.  Thank goodness for Zoom!